Your right to cancel :
You may cancel this layby sale agreement at any time before taking possession of the goods described above. Cancellation may be made by contacting us using the contact details above and in any way (including oral or written) that shows your intention to cancel or withdraw from the agreement.
If you choose to cancel this agreement a cancellation fee is payable as described below.
We are also entitled to cancel this agreement in certain situations as set out in the attached Sales Terms.

Cancellation fee : (If the agreement is cancelled)
1. by you in accordance with your right to cancel; or
2. by us due to you breaching a material term of this agreement such as not paying the price in full by the agreed completion date,

then we will repay to you all money paid by you less a cancellation charge (calculated as the sum of the loss in value of the goods between the date of this agreement and date of cancellation and our reasonable costs incurred under this agreement) from the total amount paid.

If the amounts paid by you are insufficient to cover the cancellation charge then we are entitled to recover the unpaid cancellation charge from you.

No interest or credit fees
You will not be charged any interest or credit fees under this agreement. The following are not credit fees, and you may be charged such amounts :

  • a cancellation fee; No cancellation fee is charged if cancelled within 5 working days of signing up the agreement.
  • charges for an optional service;
  • government charges, duties, taxes or levies ;
  • fee or charge payable by you for an amount payable by us to an unrelated third party. For example postage and handling fees, direct debit fees of $3 setup and $1.20/transaction, storage fees or debt collection fees paid to third parties.

Click here to read complete layby terms and conditions. Click this link for our website terms and conditions.


Premium Deals is a registered Financial Services Provider (FSP545586) and a member of FSCL (Financial Services Complaints Limited) dispute resolution scheme (membership number 6778)


17B, Farnham Street, Parnell, Auckland 1052
0800 46 7736

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